Clever Creative: More Than Just 'A Love Story'

Our Clever Creative for this week will make you fall back in love with Chipotle.

Clever Creative: More Than Just 'A Love Story'

Posted Wednesday July 06th, 2016 by in Creativity + Art.

Our Clever Creative for this week will make you fall back in love with Chipotle. As we all know, the company responsible for our favorite guilty pleasure was also responsible for causing foodborne illnesses, like E. Coli, in some of their customers earlier this year. Chipotle faced a PR nightmare when the news got out, and did everything they could to try and put out the fire. Unfortunately, their stocks took a dramatic hit, and their image of having “food with integrity” was destroyed. Since then, Chipotle has tried every advertising trick in the book to rebuild its once cult-like following. Their most recent attempt is a third installation of their animated short films, and this one may be able to rekindle that lost love for Chipotle.

Why our GEMites liked this clever creative:

For starters, we loved that this ad was animated and reminiscent of Pixar. Millennials are Chipotle’s main consumer and they are also the digital-savvy generation that experienced the birth of Pixar movies. It’s obvious the company knows this and uses it to appeal to the Pixar-loving, fresh-food eating millennials, which in itself is genius. We also love the story the film tells! We liked that the moral of the story was, in a nutshell, to always remember where you started. Ivan and Evie always carried around each other’s posters, but they were too busy building fast-food empires, and eventually lost sight of what really mattered. This heart-warming love story ends with the two getting back to their roots and creating fresh food, the principle that Chipotle was founded on. We feel like maybe the company used this short to not only show consumers what sets them apart from other fast-food restaurants, but to also show them that they are getting back to what really matters … the food.

Why our fellow creatives should like this:

Storyline aside, there are a few other reasons our fellow creatives should like this ad. One of the main ones is its uniqueness. Chipotle has taken their target consumers love of animated movies and used it to advertise to them. There aren’t many companies out there using this kind of format for their ads, which makes them inventive. Also, the company is using alternative mediums for the placement of the ad, which makes them innovative. It will appear on the company’s website, social media channels, and YouTube channel, as wells as on Hulu and over 10,000 movie screens. Yes, we said movie screens. Although advertising before a movie isn’t entirely new, not many companies, or agencies, utilize the medium. Chipotle will be airing this ad near the end of the commercial block before previews in movie theaters for the next five to six weeks. The company has chosen unique ways to advertise, both in story and placement, and they are doing so successfully. Now, we wait and see if this latest attempt will help consumers, and investors, fall back in love with Chipotle.

Let us know what you think, and look out for next week’s installment of Clever Creatives!

If you’re looking for some clever creative of your own, feel free to contact us.


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