What's Greater about the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce?

What’s Greater about the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce?

What's Greater about the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce?

Posted Wednesday August 27th, 2014 by in Analysis + Strategy.

In a word: everything. We are proud to have been recently chosen to rebrand the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce, and we couldn’t be more excited.

It’s not simply that the Chamber is a historical institution (the third oldest business in the United States!), or that we’ll get to work side-by-side with the amazing leadership there. What’s most compelling to us is the prospect of branding what amounts to be a “business thought-leader” in Connecticut.

To share our vision of the Chamber in this short announcement just isn’t possible, as the research and branding is projected to take 5-6 months to completion. But the summation of our vision is this: the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce, more than 200 years after its inception, has an opportunity to become the exemplary business leader for the next century.

In our definition, “leadership” will involve systematizing processes, encouraging diversity in business, pioneering the use of new technologies, leading initiatives in effective communication, and restructuring the modern way that businesses pursue work/life balances for its employees. In short, the opportunity here is to transform a historical institution into a vanguard.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be conducting focus groups to learn more about what the Chamber should be to its members. For now, we’re blazing forward eyes-wide-open in what we know will be a fulfilling project not just for us but for all of Connecticut’s diverse businesses.

Here’s to the next 200 years!


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