Mike Steidley Day

The champ, Mike Steidley, received the honor at New Haven City Hall from Mayor Toni Harp.

Mike Steidley Day

Posted Thursday October 02nd, 2014 by in Analysis + Strategy.

“The champ, Mike Steidley, received the honor at New Haven City Hall from Mayor Toni Harp and city transportation chief Doug Hausladen, in the form of a proclamation. The proclamation declared Monday “Mike Steidley Day” in New Haven.”

Having a great friend and skilled aerial cinematographer as a colleague is something very special. If that same person just so happens to be a fully sponsored, 12-time national mountain bike stunt riding champion – well, now you have something truly spectacular. A proclamation from the Mayor’s office officially making a day in your friend’s honor? Now that’s the icing on the cake! Congratulations, Mike on a well-deserved honor. You officially have your own day in your hometown of New Haven! What shall we plan on this day next year? The GEM crew is proud, excited, and totally amped to have you as part of the team. The future looks mighty bright, my friend. Cheers!

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