Clever Creative: Thumbs Up for the Latest Ice Spot

The rapport between a dad and daughter is unique. This spot from Ice, a telecommunications company, depicts it in a perfectly authentic way.

Clever Creative: Thumbs Up for the Latest Ice Spot

Posted Friday February 15th, 2019 by in Creativity + Art.

The rapport between a father and daughter is a unique one and difficult to put into words. However, the latest spot from the Norwegian telecommunications company Ice, created by Nord DDB, provides us with an authentic glimpse into this important relationship. Take a look:

That’s What She (Didn’t) Said

Even if you are extremely close with your parents, it’s likely that you don’t tell them everything you do when you’re out with your friends. We love how this ad juxtapositions daughter Sophie’s travel experience with her parent-appropriate text. This technique is both subtle and authentic.

The dad’s response is equally authentic. Generally speaking, most twenty-somethings tend to text more than their parents. In this specific case, we don’t know if the father’s minimal response is because (a) he is peacefully fishing in the middle of a lake and is trying to enjoy being off the grid or (b) he just isn’t much for texting. Either way, although he is not a man of many words, the proud smile on his face says everything we need to know about their relationship.

What’s the Big Deal?

The love a father has for his daughter is a great sentiment for an ad campaign, but the tie-in to the company’s offerings isn’t made clear until the end. Of course, we can recognize that the mere fact that they are using a mobile service to communicate in relatively isolated places is message enough.

However, at the end of the spot we learn that Ice is promoting their different data packages because, as the spot clearly shows, “we’re all different” in our texting ways and beyond.

How do you feel about Ice’s approach on this campaign? Let us know in the comments on our social media!

If you’re looking for some clever creative of your own, feel free to contact us, and be on the lookout for our next installment of Clever Creative!


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