Clever Creative: It’s in the Cards

Technology makes greeting cards virtually obsolete, but today's "Clever Creative" shows us that the future of the industry is in the cards.

Clever Creative: It’s in the Cards

Posted Monday July 17th, 2017 by in Creativity + Art.

For decades, people bought cards to celebrate birthdays, express their feelings or to cheer people up. In our technology-driven society, people now turn to social media to share those messages with friends, which is why greeting card companies have had to invest in advertising. Today’s “Clever Creative” comes from one of those companies, American Greetings, and it shows us that the future of the industry is in the cards.

Why our GEMites liked this Clever Creative:

Receiving a card can evoke emotions like happiness, sadness, appreciation, love, etc. We love this ad from American Greetings because it provokes parallel feelings to you would get from their product. This ad also tackles an issue that we haven’t seen before: infertility. When watching the ad you get sucked into the story and begin to sympathize with the couple, but you’re also thinking, “Do they really have a card for that?” However, the company reminds us that they don’t just make cards for occasions, they make them for moments.

Our GEMites also liked this ad because of the final message, “A card is just a card, but in the right moment it means everything.” It ties the ad all together and reminds consumers that what American Greetings offers aren’t just words on cardstock, but much more.

Why our fellow creatives should like this:

Advancements in technology have positively affected many industries and changed the way we do things. However, it has also caused deterioration in other industries, forcing them to either accept defeat or adapt. American Greetings’ newest ad is a testament to those who have had to modify their way of doing things, which is why we think our fellow creative should like it. The company realized that the greeting card industry isn’t as revered as it used to be and even acknowledges that in the ad’s message. But they quickly follow it up with a poignant statement that will change people’s perspectives on buying cards.

This ad is able to evoke emotions in the same way that American Greetings cards can, and reminds us that they are more than just words on paper. The ad’s purpose is to generate sales for a company in an industry that is thought to be dying. However, the successful execution of this creative shows us that there is a future in the cards for American Greetings.

Let us know what you think, and be on the lookout for next week’s installment of Clever Creative!

If you’re looking for some clever creative of your own, feel free to contact us.


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