3 Key Advanced Tips for the Social Media Strategist

Learn the difference between using and utilizing social media for your business.

3 Key Advanced Tips for the Social Media Strategist

Posted Friday August 19th, 2016 by in Analysis + Strategy.

In “6 Key Elements of a Successful Social Media Campaign,” we discussed the most fundamental social media strategies. And indeed those steps are a great place to start your campaign, however, an excellent social media strategist will go above and beyond just the basics. To further assist your online endeavors, in this blog we are going to give you some advanced tips for navigating social media success.

1. All hail the video. Video is one of the most powerful storytelling outlets you have at your fingertips. Think of it as being like our society’s love of reality TV. The Content Marketing Institute tells us, “Through video, you can offer a unique, entertaining, or immersive experience that helps viewers forge a positive, memorable association with your brand and what it stands for.” However, for video to be most effective, you have to integrate video with other forms of content. This can be easily done by using video to promote other content and vice versa and as a jumping-off point for an online conversation.

Video documenting on platforms such as Periscope, Meekrat, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook are alive and going strong, especially with the debut of Facebook Live. According to the Huffington Post, “With the introduction of Facebook Live and the announcement that the network will give preferential treatment to Live videos, there’s no reason why brands should not be cashing in on this exposure.” Even LinkedIn is getting in on the live action.

2. Mobile is global. It is estimated that by the end of 2016, 4.61 billion people worldwide will use mobile phones, and already these devices have become the number one way of searching the internet. A recent statistic cited on Business 2 Community stated that almost 50% of Americans say that Facebook is a major influence in purchasing decisions. But do you really need us to tell you how important having a mobile-friendly site is? Surely, your own path to purchase has heavily involved mobile technology.

3. Under the influence. In “Navigating Today's Customer Path to Purchase,” we mentioned how influencers have a huge amount of, well, influence on today’s customers. The Business Dictionary defines influencers as:

Individuals who have the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of their (real or perceived) authority, knowledge, position, or relationship. In consumer spending, members of a peer group or reference group act as influencers.

Why is this important? Well, people today are more skeptical than ever and are less likely to trust what advertisers are telling them. Instead, they rely on recommendations and reviews from people they trust to decide whether or not to make a purchase. As a social media strategist, it is up to you to go out and not only connect to those authorities, but to impress them enough so that they share your content and speak out for your brand with a genuine authenticity. Tools such as Twitter Lists, LinkedIn Channels and Klout are extremely helpful.

It’s no secret that social media has become so integrated in marketing that it is impossible to ignore it. However, it is quite many people don’t realize that it is possible to not use it to its full advantage if you aren’t keeping up-to-date with all of its trends and innovative features. And in “6 Key Elements of a Successful Social Media Campaign” and here, we only discussed the tip of the social media iceberg.

There is a lot of information out there and so much to learn. You can do it on your own. Or, if you are looking for an award-winning, kickass social media team that knows everything there is about the medium (so you don’t have to), contact GEM today and see how we can link you to online success.


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